La dichotomie "Moi – l’Autre Moi" dans le roman de Romain Gary "La promesse de l’aube"


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Title in English The dichotomy "Me - the Other Me" in Romain Gary's novel "Promise at Dawn"


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Literaport. Revue annuelle de la littérature francophone
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords "The Other Me"; biographical author; author-creator; author-narrator; hero-narrator; inner dialogue
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Description The communicative structure of a literary work is formed by lines organizing dialogic relations at different levels of this structure, and the universal model of these relations can be denoted by the dichotomy «Me - the Other». As applied to Romain Gary’s novel «Promise at Dawn» the modification of the line “author - hero” can be analysed within the framework of this dichotomy. The opposition «Me - the Other» in the novel transforms into «Me - the Other Me» and acquires a number of meanings: a child and an adult, conceived and achieved, promised and fulfilled. The author of the article shows how the subjectivity of the presentation is changed by the presence of the second storyteller - the voice of an adult.
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