Výsledky petroarcheologického studia ostatní kamenné industrie ze sídliště kultury s LnK Uničov „U Kravína“ a vybraných lokalit z povodí řeky Moravy


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Petrographical study of macrolithic industry from the LBK settlement in Uničov „U Kravína“ and selected sites from the Morava river basin


Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the presented thesis the petroarchaeological analysis of macrolithic stone industry from the Neolithic settlement Uničov was made. The Culmian greywackes slightly predominated over metaquartzites and quartz metaconglomerates of Vrbno group in the spectre of raw materials used at the site. The quartz sandstones were used mainly for whetstones. The provenience of quartz and polymict metaconglomerates were researched using the sections and XRF spectrometer analysis. The potential source of the quartz metaconglomerates is situated on Bradlo hill which is 11 kilometers distant from the site. Based on the results of mentioned analysis this theory was disproved. The source of the polymict metaconglomerates was assumed to be found in Mohelnice formation but it has shown that the source lies in Culmian conglomerates. Since the quartz metaconglomerates are present at another sites near Morava river and its tributaries, the comparative analysis using XRF spectrometer was made. The examined artifacts came from two sites: Uničov and Hulín-Pravčice. In several cases, the results of the analysis confirmed that the studied raw material belongs to the same source. That is, it is one of the first documents of long-distance distribution of the macrolithic stone industry.

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