Dirichletův princip v přípravě učitelů prvního stupně základní školy

Title in English Dirichlet principle in teaching future elementary teachers

BERÁNEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Elementary Mathematics Education Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://www.emejournal.upol.cz/vol2no1.php
Keywords Dirichlet principle; solving of problems; teaching of mathematics
Description The article was created as the result of the research oriented at innovation of methods, content and forms of primary school teaching in connection with improvement of university education of future primary school teachers. The article discusses one possibility of enlarging and intensifying of the knowledge of students, future elementary teachers. Dirichlet principle nearly does not appear in teaching of mathematical branches, although its formulating is quite easy. Moreover, it is a tool for solving quite simple tasks which can be used at school teaching (e.g.motivation tasks, problems for development of student`s interest in mathematics, preparation for mathematical competitions, etc.)

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