Space in edifying stories : The case of Anastasios Sinaites


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Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation examined the notion and the function of space in the 1st collection of edifying tales by Anastasios Sinaites (7th cent.) narratives. I analyzed the texts with the help of the tools of narrative theory, focusing especially on three concepts relevant for the cultural reality of edifying stories: first, the binary opposition of the profane and the sacred space, the concept of liminality, and the concept of heterotopias. I showed that the examined collection is unique among the collections of edifying stories for its special emphasis on the story space. Anastasios not only exploited maximally the three main topoi of monastic geography, the mountain, the desert, and the garden but also used space as an organizing element for the whole collection.
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