Hra o Robotech jako Čapkův test lidskosti


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Title in English Play about Robots as Čapek's Test of Humanity


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Robot 100 : Sto rozumů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Karel Čapek; R.U.R.; 100 anniversary; imitation game; test of humanity
Description The interpreters of Čapek's play about Robots usually think of it as a modern version of the myth of the creation of man, retold into the form of an adventure story with elements of science fiction. This view is completely legitimate and probably the best corresponds with stories about robots created by popular culture, as well as with robots created in scientific and technical laboratories. This article presents a neglected view of Čapek's Robot, which is elaborates on a point of view of theatrology. First, the historical facts related to the world premiere of R.U.R., Rossum’s Universal Robots are summarized, and then we focus on the interpretation of the Robot as a theatrical sign. In our opinion, the media-specific interpretation of Robot as a dramatic character is the key to understanding the core theme of the play, which is the epistemological uncertainty face to face to an artificial man, which Čapek evokes by playing a human-machine imitation game, which involves not only the stage but also the auditorium.
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