State capture in the Late Roman Empire


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Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Main focus of the paper rests on the meaning of the term State Capture and whether or not it can be used to describe the processes happening in the Late Roman Empire. The term State Capture is a modern one. It was first used to describe actions of certain powerful individuals or groups of people in the post-Soviet republics of Eastern Europe that were harmful to the welfare of the state. Very similar kind of actions can be found taking place in the period of the Late Roman Empire. However, using modern terms in connection with the antiquity carries certain methodological difficulties that will be addressed in the paper in order to find out how is using of the term beneficial. The period of the Late Roman Empire is often known for the corruption among the Roman society and the term State Capture, if used correctly, can help with understanding some processes closely tied with corruption. On top of that, working with the modern terms primary used not in history but in other sciences, can bring certain kind of interdisciplinarity and innovation to the field of historical studies.
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