Čtenářské dílny jako forma výzkumu a výuky u žáků třetí třídy základní školy

Title in English Reading workshops as a form of research and teaching for pupils in the third grade of primary school

JINDRA Miroslav

Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Reception and reflection of an artistic text by a child reader represents an important area in the teaching of literature, which forms the basic tools for the interpretation of the text in pupils. Reading instruction includes a comprehensive set of knowledge, abilities and skills, thanks to which students acquire not only the technical skill of reading, but also form their own ability to reception, reflection and interpretation of artistic text. The paper deals with the importance of the reading workshop as a possible form of teaching and presents partial results on the example of research conducted in the pupils of the third grade of primary school, using the literary work of Karel May "Vinnetou". The research is part of a deeper study within the dissertation project.
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