Možnosti funkčního pohybového vyšetření dospělých pacientů se spinální svalovou atrofií


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Title in English Motor function measures in adult paients with spinal muscular atrophy

BOTIKOVÁ Daniela HORÁK Tomáš VOHÁŇKA Stanislav

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords spinal muscular atrophy; functional assesment; motor scales
Description Along with the advance in wholesome_overall care and its availability to patients with spinal muscular atrophy, longevity in this population has increased. This, however, brings up new questions and challenges to professionals in the neuromuscular field. Nowadays, with the development of therapeutic strategies modifying the course of the disease, and with availability of other symptomatic interventions, the need of outcome measures, which can follow the natural trajectory of the disease, and the effect of the therapy is emphasised. To observe the whole spectrum of motor functions, a very sensitive, reliable and clinically meaningful tool is necessary. However, it might be challenging to find suitable assessment methods which can capture complaints of very weak patients and, at the same time, meaningful aspects of much stronger individuals. That’s why the overall assessment should consist of tools measuring the muscle strength, range of motion in joints, relevant motor function scales and timed assessments reflecting patients’ activities of daily life.
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