Václav Hlavatý a reformy vzdělávání 1945-1948

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Title in English Václav Hlavatý and the educational reforms 1945-1948


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Učitel matematiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://ojs.cuni.cz/ucitel/article/view/1544
Keywords Václav Hlavatý; unified school; history of mathematics teaching
Description During his short term of service as a deputy of Czechoslovak interim parliament in 1946, the Czech mathematician Václav Hlavatý (1894-1969) intervened against the plan to unify lower secondary schools. In the article, we briefly describe his early career in order to show the background for his elitism in education and explain how and why he tried to prevent the change. In particular, we pay attention to his two proposals (spring 1946 and summer 1947) that could have substituted the plan of a fully unified lower secondary school.
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