Stroje versus lidé – tematika vztahu člověka a umělé inteligence ve školním kurikulu

Title in English Machines versus humans—themes of the relationship between man and artificial intelligence in the school curriculum


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 100 let R.U.R. Sborník z konference na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, 11. září 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords artificial intelligence; school teaching; fiction; curriculum; philosophical thinking.
Description The paper maps the possibilities of including the topic "artificial intelligence versus man" in school teaching. Based on the research of the curriculum and the method of content analysis of classical fiction, the work of Karel Čapek, Philip K. Dick and Isaac Asimov, it presents possible projections of this topic into the school curriculum and suggests possible methodological grips usable in the classroom.

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