Zpráva o průběhu klinického hodnocení „Protinádorová terapie s ex vivo manipulovanými dendritickými buňkami produkujícími interleukin-12 u dětských, adolescentních a mladých dospělých pacientů s progredujícími, relabujícími nebo primárně metastatickými malignitami vysokého rizika"


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Clinical Trial Interim Report "Combined antitumor therapy with ex vivo manipulated dendritic cells producing interleukin-12 in children, adolescents and young adults with progressive, recurrent or primarily metastatic high-risk tumors"


Year of publication 2020
Type Research and development projects
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

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Description KDO_DC1311 EudraCT number 2014-003388-39:The clinical trial interim report describes the course and current status of the clinical trial (KH) in a defined period. It includes information on document updates, changes in KH centers and examiners, an overview of previously included/completed subjects of evaluation, and detected protocol violations. It also contains information on investigational medicine (reporting serious adverse events, suspicions of serious (unexpected) adverse events, or new findings in relation to safety and efficacy), new measures taken, and audits performed.
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