Riziko nomofobie u žáků základní školy

Title in English Risk of Nomophobia in Primary School Pupils


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2020. Úloha odborného vzdělávání v 21. století
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Keywords questionnaire; mobile phone; nomophobia; prevention; risk; school; research; health; addiction; pupil
Description The mass introduction and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) makes life much easier, but it also poses certain risks. Person is threatened by the development of compulsive behavior and possible addiction behavioral type on a mobile communicator - nomophobia. The main goal of the research survey was to determine the degree of nomophobia in a sample of secondary school pupils, the partial goal was to map potentially risky areas associated with the use of ICT. Three working hypotheses were established, which concerned the comparison of opinions, behavior and the degree of nomophobia between boys and girls. A quantitative method was chosen to fulfill the goal of the survey, and an anonymous questionnaire was used as a tool, which contained a standardized core for determining the degree of nomophobia. It included 20 items focused on respondents' reactions in situations where ICT links are not available or cannot be used. The questionnaire was supplemented with items used to find out which applications respondents often use, how they handle them and what their preferences are in this respect. The survey was conducted in the eighth and ninth grades of 11 intentionally selected primary schools in the Hradec Králové region. Data were obtained from a set of 373 respondents with a balanced representation of boys and girls. The answers of the respondents were evaluated by the methods of descriptive statistics, Student's t-test was used to analyze the hypotheses. The results showed that 0.5% of respondents did not show symptoms of nomophobia, its very mild and moderate form was recorded in 70% of respondents, mild in 18% of the group, moderate in 8% and severe in 2% of respondents. Almost three quarters of students are not directly dependent on mobile devices endangered. Although they use ICT intensively, when they are unavailable, they feel only slight nervousness. However, one tenth of the sample shows serious problems of a behavioral addiction nature. Respondents use an average of 4 applications, mainly chat programs, social networks and applications for playing music. When testing hypotheses concerning differences in the behavior of boys and girls, statistically significant differences were found in 6 items, in 14 not. The girls in the sample show a higher degree of nomophobia than the boys. The biggest differences in responses were noted mainly for fears of not being able to communicate immediately with family or friends.
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