Dětská skupina jako kolektivita

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Title in English Toddler Group as a Collectivity


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociologický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://sreview.soc.cas.cz/artkey/csr-202105-0002_toddler-group-as-a-collectivity.php
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/csr.2021.042
Keywords childhood; toddler; peer collectivity; play; socialisation; nursery; preschool; early childhood
Description The aim of this study is to examine the everyday life of day-care institutions and the culture of peer relationships that develop there. Interdisciplinary studies of childhood perceive it as a social construct separable from biological immaturity, and they describe a distinct toddler style of socialisation with peers. In this paradigm, participation in cultural routines is central to understanding child socialisation. Based on ethnographic observations in two facilities and interviews with teachers and parents, we explore relationships between peers, social routines, and the creation of collectivity. We focus on the perspective of adults and their perception of the children's collective and on the meanings of children's interactions. The analysis showed that in addition to hierarchical relationships with adults, more equal peer relationships represent an opportunity for children to actively participate in cultural reproduction through their own interpretation of meanings. What adults perceive as "playing at something" is "something real" in peer interaction because it occurs between physical and cognitive equals. Interaction with peers in a day-care facility allows a child to experience a collective 'WE', through which they are then able to to control adults. However, the creation of collectivity depends on their being conditions in place that are suitable for small children and toddlers.
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