Realizace pohybových aktivit v předškolním vzdělávání

Title in English Physical Activities Realising in Preschool Education


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Kindergarten; preschool education; physical activity regimen of children; spontaneous physical activities; controlled physical activities; physical education
Description The aim of the work is to assess and compare the Czech Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education with health recommendations for the physical activity regimen of children with the reality of physical education in the everyday practice of kindergartens. The starting point lies in evaluating the content of the Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education and directly observing the physical activity of children in kindergartens. Classes were observed in a regular kindergarten as well as in a kindergarten involved in the Health-Promoting Kindergarten programme. Both controlled and uncontrolled physical activities were monitored by direct observation and time measurement.
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