Na hrane klasiky – geograficky, chronologicky a metodologicky. Prípadová štúdia - Langobardi z hľadiska prírodovedných metód


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Title in English On the edge of the classics – geographically, chronologically and methodologically. Case study: Lombards from the perspective of natural sciences


Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In Europe the Migration period represents a chronological and, to some extent, also a cultural successor to Antiquity. In today Moravia, the younger phase of this period is traditionally associated mainly with the Lombards, to which we attribute large-scale necropolises of up to 150-200 graves are attributed (Lužice, Kyaq), but also smaller, ‘ family ’ cemeteries, with 10 individuals buried at most. One of these is the recently excavated burial ground at Drnholec, distr. Břeclav. This small burial ground has been studied with the aid of many available methods from archaeology, but also from physics, biophysics and biochemistry, being subject of an interdisciplinary approach. The application of some is already being an almost routine part of archaeological practice (radiocarbon dating), while others are still used exceptionally, although their popularity and availability are still growing (DNA analysis, stable isotope analysis). The presentation highlights the effectiveness and increase in the number of possibilities to draw on information about the population being studied through the application of this concept. In particular, the results obtained so far by the methods of natural sciences will be presented, evaluated, interpreted and put in the wider context of the archaeology of the Moravian younger phase of Migration period.
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