Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2): Hierarchický model s 15 subškálami.

Title in English Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2): Hierarchical Model with 15 Subscales.

HŘEBÍČKOVÁ Martina JELÍNEK Martin KVĚTON Petr BENKOVIČ Adam BOTEK Marek SUDZINA František SOTO Christopher J. JOHN Oliver P.

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
web Metadata
Keywords Five Factor Model, psychometric characteristics, BFI-2, BFI-2-S, BFI-2-XS
Description Objectives. The aim of the study was estimation of basic psychometric properties of the Czech adaptation of the Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2) measuring five basic personality dimensions and their short and extra short versions (BFI-2-S, BFI-2XS). Subject and settings. The BFI-2 was administered to 1,733 participants (42.1% men, 57.9% women) in age range from 15 to 26 years (M = 20.06, SD = 2.53). Hypothesis. Authors expected that the Czech adaptation of the BFI-2, BFI-2-S, BFI-2XS will retain comparable psychometric properties to the original versions. Statistical analysis. Internal consistency of BFI- 2, BFI-2-S, BFI-2XS domains and BFI-2, BFI- 2-S facets was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and ordinal McDonald’s omega coefficient. Test-retest stability of the three methods was estimated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The structure of the BFI-2 at the level of items was explored using Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation; structures of domains were confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analyses. The ability of the BFI-2-S and BFI-2-XS scales to represent BFI-2 scores was assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results. The BFI-2 domains showed good internal consistency, ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. Internal consistency of individual facets ranged from 0.56 to 0.83 (M = 0.74). Average BFI-2 test-retest reliability estimated over a 6 month period was r = 0.86 for domains and r = 0.80 for facets. All items of the BFI-2 showed factor loadings 0.30 or higher on intended factor. The BFI-2 hierarchical structure with 15 facets was confirmed using CFA. Short versions BFI-2-S and BFI-2-XS captured 91% and 77% of the domains of the full version of BFI-2 inventory. Study limitation. Convergent validity of the instrument and the self-other agreement was not evaluated.

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