Analytický vhled do upravovatelské činnosti Hynka Bíma na příkladu Kytice národních písní moravských pro klavír a sólový hlas


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Title in English An Analytical Insight into the Folk Songs Arranging Activities of Hynek Bím on the Example of Kytice národních písní moravských for Piano and Solo Voice


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Opus musicum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Hynek Bím; folk songs; piano arrangements; musical analysis
Description Hynek Bím (5 March 1874 – 30 December 1958) was one of the most important collectors of folk songs in the Czech lands in terms of the number and quality of records. He was one of Leoš Janáček’s collaborators and during his lifetime he collected over 4000 songs in Moravia and Slovakia. His collecting methods were characterised by a contemporary progressive approach to folk song notation. Hynek Bím was primarily an educator, but in addition to recording musical folklore, he was also a composer. An important part of his work was the arrangements of folk songs. This study provides an analytical insight into Kytice narodních písní moravských (“Folk Songs Bouqet”), Bím’s unpublished cycle of seventy arrangements of folk songs for piano and solo voice. This insight deals with the contexts of the cycle’s content and origins as well as with the specifics and characteristic features of Bím’s arranging style with regards to the latent harmony of Moravian folk song and the traditional Moravian instrumental music.
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