Za diagnózou ADHD: Obsahová analýza výpovědí osob se zkušeností s ADHD v porovnání s diagnostickými manuály (předběžné výsledky)


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Title in English Behind the diagnosis of ADHD: A content analysis of the statements of people with ADHD experience compared to diagnostic manuals (preliminary results)


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can be approached from three diagnostic criteria: DSM-5, ICD-11 and UECS (updated European statement on the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults). All three perceive hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention as core symptoms. However, the reality of life for people with ADHD is often different. The aim of the questionnaire survey for people with ADHD was to find out how hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention manifest themselves specifically in them. The group consisted of 75 people aged 19-60, 77.3% women. 57.3% of people had a diagnosis of ADHD, 98.7% of the group had a suspected diagnosis of ADHD. The statements of the respondents were analyzed by content analysis. Preliminary results indicate that all three main symptoms occur in adults as the manuals describe them. Respondents often divided their symptoms into motor and verbal, internal and external. In order to maintain attention, they often evaluate the subjective interest of the activity as key. In addition to the description of manifestations that can be found across diagnostic manuals, there were manifestations that can be classified in the area of emotional dysregulation or executive function disorders - i.e. symptomatic categories that are considered as other possible cortical symptoms of ADHD. Our results may help mental health professionals identify ADHD in adults and recognize comorbid ADHD in patients already in their care.

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