Identifikace žáka nadaného na matematiku ve školním prostředí

Title in English Identification of mathematically gifted pupil in the school environment


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Učitel matematiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords gift; underachieving gifted pupils; pupils with double exceptionality
Description The article deals with the issue of education of gifted pupils from the group of underachieving pupils and pupils with double exceptionality. It briefly summarizes theoretical knowledge about the perception of gift in the school environment and about the manifestations of students from risk groups. Two case studies illustrate how underachieving gifted pupils and pupils with double exceptionality are at risk and why they are often not identified as gifted at school. The article is part of long-term research dealing with the issue of unidentified gifted pupils.

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