Unterricht des Deutschen als zweite Fremdsprache aus der Perspektive der Sprachenpolitik und der Schüler*innen

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Title in English Teaching German as a second foreign language from the perspective of language policy and pupils


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis ostraviensis. Studia germanistica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://dokumenty.osu.cz/ff/journals/studiagermanistica/2022-31/SG_31_Janik-Janikova.pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.15452/StudiaGermanistica.2022.31.0006
Keywords Czech primary school; foreign language education; German as a foreign language; interview; Language policy; language portrait
Description Our study focuses on expiring relationships between language policy in the educational context and the users of foreign languages (i.e. pupils). The theoretical part of the study introduces the term language policy and indicates its development in the Czech Republic over the recent years. The empirical part aims to describe how the pupils perceive the German language. Methodologically, we use qualitative analysis of language portraits and interviews. The research sample consists of 25 students (8th grade). Our results show the instrumentalized function of the German language and focus on the usage of the German language. Based on our results, we suggest some changes in language policy that would better fit pupils’ perceptions of languages.
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