Filosofie a etika v meziválečném Československu

Title in English Philosophy and ethics in inter-War Czechoslovakia


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Etické myslenie v minulosti a súčasnosti (ETPP 2022/24). Etika v 20. a 21. storočí I.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords philosophy; ethics; science; history; Czechoslovakia
Description Philosophy presented a very stimulating area of higher culture in the inter-War Czechoslovakia. It contributed to the creation of the democratic character of our newly-born independent state. This article takes as its subject-matter the history of our philosophy in the inter-war period, which can be seen as one of the very interesting and, for contemporary times, in many ways inspiring periods. In the framework of this historiographical investigation, the text focuses on the question of the place of reflection on the problematic of ethics in theoretical discourse of the time. In connection with the form of the polemics of the time, and the controversies on the desired character of the further development of philosophy in an independent state, it was one of the most significant themes.

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