Interrupční atlas Evropy 2021 : Kritické hodnocení situace v evropských zemích


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Title in English European Abortion Policies Atlas 2021 : Critical assessment of the situation in European countries


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gynekologie a porodnictví
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords abortion; abortive care; unsafe abortion; sexual and reproductive health and rights; reproductive ethics
Description European Abortion Policies Atlas is an online interactive map that scores 52 European countries in their access to abortion and abortive care, including post-abortive care. The Atlas uncovers that though access to abortion is a human right, women and girls in many European countries face obstacles threatening their safety, dignity and liberty. The Czech Republic has been among the better countries of the Atlas (24th position), while Slovakia has been among the worse countries (42nd position). Warningly bad situation is in Central Europe, namely in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Because, according to international law, governments have a responsibility to safeguard the right of women and girls to lead free and safe reproductive lives without discrimination and coercion, the creators of the Atlas call on repressive governments to urgently update their legislation so that women and girls are able to access safe, legal and compassionate abortion care.
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