Rodinné prostředí žen, které v adolescenci trpěly poruchami příjmu potravy

Title in English The Family Environment of Women who Suffered from Eating Disorders in Adolescence


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Štúdie zo špeciálnej pedagogiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Elektronický archiv aktuálního vydání časopisu
Keywords adolescence; anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa; eating disorders; prevention; risk behavior; family; therapy; research; health
Description Eating disorders of psychogenic origin are high-risk behaviours because their consequences can seriously endanger an individual‘s health or life. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are also addictive behaviours and most commonly affect adolescent girls and young adult women. The aim of the research was to analyse and evaluate the influence of the family environment of four participants with a history of eating disorders. Case studies were set up and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The resulting data were subjected to open coding to identify the observed categories concerning family background, interpersonal relationships, school attendance, leisure time, eating behaviour, its disorders, recognition, treatment and self-acceptance. Family environment, parenting style and communication are fundamental factors that can act as protective or risky factors in the emergence and development of eating disorders.
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