VASULKA LIVE ARCHIVE. Re:sourcing media archive using artificial intelligence


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Title in English Vasulka Live Archive. Re:sourcing media archive using artificial intelligence


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The contribution will introduce the set of applied outputs of the unique interdisciplinary research project Media Art Live Archive: Intelligent Interface for Interactive Mediation of Cultural Heritage partially supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (Project No. TL02000270, 2018-2022). The main output of the project is web Vasulka Live Archive (URL: The website serves as an interactive epistemological tool for searching for recurring audio and visual motifs in the database of artistic videos by Steina and Woody Vašulka, pioneers of video art.The project represents a unique contribution to the field of applied artificial intelligence (machine learning) in humanities and in media art history and curatorial practice in particular. It expands the field of AI usage in art historiography, usually focused on older historical periods, towards experimental and conceptual art of the 20th and 21st centuries.
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