Psí hrdina v roli průvodce na cestě k formování identity a mezilidských vztahů ve vybraných příbězích pro děti a mládež

Title in English The dog protagonist as a guide on the way to the formation of identity and interpersonal relationships in selected stories for children and youth

LÍPOVÁ Magdaléna

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XV. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Keywords Czech children's and youth literature; Jana Jašová; Psí dny; Pavla Skálová; Malostranská psa zima; transitory crisis; identity and interpersonal relationships; epigenetic theory of Erik Erikson; adolescence
Description The article deals with the possibilities of children's and youth literature in the formation of identity and interpersonal relationships from the perspective of developmental psychology, especially Erik Erikson's personality theory. The prose Psí dny by Jana Jašová and Malostranská psí zima by Pavla Skálová were selected for interpretive analyses, in which the dog protagonists act as guides who help with the formation of interpersonal relationships, the identity crisis and finding one's place in society.
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