Jagande princar och fimpade klementiner : Ett nedslag i Tage Danielssons Mannen som slutade röka


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Chasing Princes and Stubbed Out Clementines : A Glimpse into Tage Danielsson’s The Man Who Quit Smoking


Year of publication 2023
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Swedish comedy film Mannen som slutade röka (The Man Who Quit Smoking, 1972), directed by Tage Danielsson, is a film self-adaptation of Danielsson’s novel Mannen som slutade röka: en psykologisk thriller (The Man Who Quit Smoking: A Psychological Thriller, 1968). Stylized as a fictional diary of an executive director named Dante Alighieri, and riddled with various scribbles and side comments, the novel offers a wide range of possibilities for exploring the visual elements, as well as humor effects that occur in the text-image relations. This text explores the playful approach to the possibilities of the film medium employed by Tage Danielsson and the artist and animator Per Ahlin. It examines how Per Ahlins images and their characteristics in the novel find their way into the film adaptation, transferred and transformed into animations. The chapter further explores various comedy elements, in which the humorous (h)aha-moment occurs through various media representations, in particular quick-paced and multi-fold forms of advertising. Whether through subliminal warnings in the form of (anti-)advertising, animations of Dante's innermost thoughts, or small trick films, the viewer is led into a creative world filled with glimpses of media products and internal references.
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