Leoš Janáček a Besední dům. Vzájemné vztahy světového tvůrce a unikátní budovy

Title in English Leoš Janáček and Besední dům. Interrelationships of a world composer and a unique building


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Opus musicum
web https://www.opusmusicum.cz/
Keywords Janáček;Besední dům;conductor;pianist;Brno
Description The study focuses on the relationship and activities of Leoš Janáček in Brno's Besední dům, an important center of Brno's Czech social life, where Janáček was active as choirmaster, pianist, conductor and organizer, and where many of his compositions were performed, some of them in world premieres.
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