Jazyková rozmanitost a jazykový repertoár žáků a žákyň na základní škole

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Title in English Language Diversity and Language Repertoire of Pupils at the Lower Secondary School Level


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://journals.phil.muni.cz/studia-paedagogica/article/view/36819/32223
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/SP2023-1-5
Keywords multilingualism; language diversity; language repertoire; language biography; language portrait
Description The study aims to investigate how learners perceive the languages within their linguistic repertoire. The first section outlines the conceptual framework of the language repertoire and its contextualization in the current and highly debated topic of language diversity in pedagogical discourse. The subsequent qualitatively-oriented research was conducted in a mainstream primary school, involving 26 pupils. Their linguistic repertoires were examined through individual language portraits, complemented by interviews. The analysis primarily focuses on (1) the languages present in the students' repertoires, (2) the representation of these languages, and (3) their positioning within the portraits. The results of our study suggest that the inclusion of a language in one's repertoire is primarily influenced by subjective experiences. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the representation of languages in the repertoire is highly individual, reflecting diverse perceptions of languages. The analysis also reveals that languages are frequently associated with emotions, identity, and the necessity to learn and employ them for communication. The research findings are expected to prompt a shift in perspective concerning linguistic diversity in Czech schools. They are anticipated to not only inspire pedagogical practices but also influence educational policy by fostering the development and utilization of linguistic diversity for educational purpose.
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