Cantors And Jiří Ignác Linek (1725–1791): From The History Of Czech Music Education



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teorie a praxe hudební výchovy VIII: Sborník příspěvků z konference studentů doktorandských studií a pedagogů hudebního vzdělávání v zemích V4 v roce 2023 v Praze
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Jiří Ignác Linek; cantor; cantor music; Czech music; 18th century music; thematic catalogue
Description The occupation of a cantor can be labelled as a Czech music history phenomenon. These teachers, church choirmasters and composers in one person developed general musicality in the countryside and small towns during the Baroque, Classicism and early Romantic periods. One of them was Jiří Ignác Linek (1725–1791) from Bakov nad Jizerou. This paper introduces the composer, his work and points out the possible didactic use of his compositions. The contribution was created on the basis of the dissertation prepared by the author, which mapped Linek’s work in the form of a thematic catalogue.

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