Desubstantivní slovesa od názvů částí těla: slovotvorné procesy a prostředky, užití ve významu základním i metaforickém

Title in English Desubstantive verbs from names of body parts: word-forming processes and means, use in basic and metaphorical meaning


Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The article deals with verbs derived from the names of body parts, e.g. připažit, unožit, tvářit se, vykostit that were found in version SYN v9 of the Czech National Corpus. We would like: – distinguish verbs whose meaning can be explained directly from the meaning of the base words from verbs used metaphorically: čelit, kloubit or from the verbs with a comparative meaning: zkožovatět; –distinguish frequent verbs from peripheral ones (odšlachovat); – describe word-forming means and word-forming proces.

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