Mstěnice: Vznik prvního „katastru" ještě před transformací na vrcholně středověkou vesnici?

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Title in English Mstěnice: The emergence of the first „cadastre" before the transformation into a high medieval village?"


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description A new comprehensive analysis of the landscape and settlement of Mstěnice has led to the reconstruction of the probable 'cadastre' of the settlement. The use of traditional historical records and modern non-destructive methods enabled a systematic analysis of settlement development, digitization, and evaluation of previous archaeological research. The cadastre originated before the presumed establishment of the normative village. The research also demonstrated that during the subdivision of the village, a significant change in building layout occurred – late Hillfort pit-houses evolved into tripartite houses, documenting the gradual construction and transformation of the settlement. The layout of the High Medieval village, including the village green, was based on a spatial arrangement reflecting the distribution of early medieval buildings. This innovative approach helped shed new light on the history of Mstěnice, providing a deeper understanding of the development of this medieval village, which, thanks to V. and R. Nekuda, ranks among the best-researched deserted villages in the Czech Republic.
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