Architekt na cestách. Jan Blažej Santini jako projektant


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Title in English Architect on the move. Jan Blažej Santini as designer


Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The chapter in book about architect Jan Santini Aichel considers some practical contexts in his works. It reflects onthe nature of Santini´s profession, showing him as a man who did not simply design buildings but who had to make a living, to negotiate projects with commissioners and supervise their proper realisation. Using the example of his work for the monastery of Rajhrad, attention is drawn to the way he had to „design on the road“. Santini supervised commissions between Plasy and Brno and had to tackle a range of concrete problems while on the road and by means of correspondence. His architecture was thus to a considerable extent the result of improvisation, and a constant dialogue between architect, commissioner and executive builder.

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