Techniques and Technologies from Archeological Analysis to Critical Posthumanism


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The contribution focus on the reception of the Foucauldian reflection on technology. It indicates the effects of this reception in the work of some authors linked to the contemporary debate that has been indicated with the term critical/philosophical posthumanism (Ferrando, 2020) or critical posthuman theories (Braidotti, Jones, & Klumbyte, 2023). After schematically mapping the stakes that brought these positioning into the debate, the paper retrace Foucault’s reflection by analyzing two notions: techniques and technologies, in reference to the 1982 seminar “Technologies of the Self” and the lecture “Political Technologies of Individuals”. This allows to re-examine a series of discrepancies and displacements that pertain to the manifest treatment of Foucault's work by some of the key authors engaged in structuring the theoretical frames of the debate on the posthuman. In reaction to the existentialist and evolutionist current of philosophical posthumanism, the talk proposes a genealogy of the posthuman that would situate 'technique' as a tool for historical analysis and political critique.
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