Analýza polymorfismu DNA markerů u přírodních pozdně kvetoucích linii Arabidopsis thaliana


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Title in English The analysisi of DNA polymorphism in natural late flowering genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference VII. Pracovní setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords Arabidopsis; polymorphism; DNA markers
Description The main objective of this work was to determine the polymorphism of DNA markers among five natural late-flowering ecotypes from southern Moravia (Je-4, Je-18, Je-27, Je-28 a Hod) and nine laboratory lines (Col, Ler, S96, Di-G, H55, En-2, La-O, Nd-O a Ws) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The results will be used for crossing of the suitable lines in the process of mapping the genes of late flowering in the natural populations of A. thaliana For determining the map position of a gene we use DNA markers based on PCR, above all SSLP (simple sequence length polymorphisms) markers. They are composed of tandemly repeated short DNA sequences, usually polymorphic in different ecotypes. For mapping, the late-flowering plant is crossed with the plant of standard genotype, whereas both genotypes must be polymorphic in SSLP marker together. The polymorphisms have been analysed in thirteen microsatellite markers that are spread in the whole genome of A. thaliana - nga 280, ATPASE, nga 1145, nga 168, nga 162, GAPAB, nga 6, nga 1111, nga 1139, nga 1107, nga 225, nga 139 and SO191. PCR was done for all markers and the products were electrophoresed on the agarose gel. To assess the size of PCR fragments the programme ANAGEL 1.2 was used. From results crossing with laboratory lines Col and Ler was designed for all five late genotypes. Further, for all late-flowering genotypes (with the exception of Je-4) were suggested other two crosses so, that the whole genome should be covered on the mapping.
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