Frazeologické výrazy s nereferenčně užitým slovem TO

Title in English Czech Phrases with the Non-referential Word TO


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník prací FF OU věnovaný životnímu jubileu prof. PhDr. Jaroslava Hubáčka, CSc., a doc. PhDr. Naděždy Bayerové, CSc.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Expletive word; Redundand Object; Phrase; Verbal Phrase
Description This article deals with the phrases with the phrasal connection of verbs with non-referential. We are going to concentrate to the phrases with some verbs: 1. with the verbs dojít, dospět (in the literary speech), táhnout, fičet, fiknout (expressive verbs); the word to is only a formal subject/an expletive word in this phrases, for example: Ano, s Holandskem to dospělo tak daleko, že mnoho dětí zastavuje na ulici kolemjdoucí a prosí je o kousek chleba; Vždy je lepší, kdy se to táhne ve dvou; Venku mrzlo, jen to praštělo; Kobyla orala, jen to fičelo; 2. with the verbs dovést, dopracovat (in the literary speech), šinout si (to), vzít (to) (někudy) (expressive verbs); the word to is only a redundand object, for example: Vem to klidně po trase pro trolejbus; šinula si to s lavorem a hadrem dál. We were looking for the phrases in the Czech National Copr SYN2000 (see the adress

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