Influence of the operating conditions and of the optical transition on non-spectral matrix effects in inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Spectrochimica Acta Part B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords Inductively coupled plasma; Atomic emission spectrometry; Non-spectral matrix effects; Operating conditions; Optical transition
Description In order to study in ICP-AES, the influence of the plasma operating conditions, power and carrier gas flow rate, and of the optical transition on non-spectral matrix interferences, line-rich elements such as Mn, Cr and Cu have been selected. Selection of a large pool of lines was possible because of the use of multichannel solid-state detection. An axially viewed plasma was used. Matrices were K, Na, Li, Ca and Mg. Matrix effect was evaluated by comparing the signals for test elements in water. Use of robust conditions led to an almost flat response, while non-robust conditions led to a significant scattering of the signal changes. In the case of Mn, the z7P Mn multiplet was exemplified as it contains not only the most Mn sensitive line, the Mn II 257.610 nm resonance line, but also the 259.372 and 260.568 nm resonance lines, and the non-resonant Mn II 343.897 nm line. Even under robust conditions, the non-resonant line exhibited a different behavior. The difference with the other resonance lines was reduced by using an axially viewed ICP with a large injector id, or suppressed by using a radially viewed ICP. In the case of Cr, the z6D Cr II multiplet was selected as it contains three resonant lines linked to the a6S fundamental, and other non-resonant lines. The behavior was identical under robust conditions, while an abnormal behavior was observed for the Cr II 334.78 nm line under non-robust conditions, depending on the extent of these non-robust conditions. Cu was an interesting element as ionic lines lie in the energy sum range 15.9616.26 eV, i.e. slightly above the Ar ionization energy. It was shown that, under robust conditions, the line behavior was not similar although the energy range was small. Moreover, this behavior was depending on the ICP system used for the experiment. It was concluded that not only the magnitude of matrix effects depends on the operating conditions but also may depend on the optical transition, illustrating the complexity of these effects.
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