Kontinuálna farebná ortofotomapa Českej republiky a Slovenskej republiky pred dokončením

Title in English Continuous colour orthophotomap of the Czech and Slovak Republics to be completed soon


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 15. Kartografická konferencia „Geoinformatizácia kartografie“
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords orthophotomap - cartographic product - high resolution
Description An advanced technology has been applied to complete an unusual cartographic product in the Czech and Slovak Republics – the colour digital orthophoto covering both the countries with the resolution equal to the map scale 1:5000. The standard map sheets of the same scale represent the orthophoto delivery unit. GEODIS BRNO Ltd. and GEODIS SLOVAKIA Ltd. with partners provide the full process of the orthophoto completing. The product had been completed in 2003 after the two-years-work.

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