Umí se žáci na konci základního vzdělávání učit cizí jazyk? Evaluace kompetence k učení ve vzdělávací oblasti (cizí) jazyk a jazyková komunikace

Title in English Can the pupils at the end of compulsory education learn foreign language? Assessment of the competency to learning in the subject area of (foreign) language and language communication

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Komenský
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Full text, full-texty publikovaných článků ke strategiím učení cizímu jazyku
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords foreign language; second language; learning; inidvidual differencies; learning strategies; assessment; compulsory education; key competence; lower secondary education
Description The research report describes the using of foreign language learning strategies (befor all English as a foreign language) of 2384 pupils at the end of the compulsory education in the Czech Republic (end of the lower secondary education).
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