Klasifikace morfologických jevů v učebnicích F. Bartoše ve světle gramatického učiva současných učebnic

Title in English Comparation of the morphological phenomena in the grammars of F. Bartoš and in the contemporary Czech textbooks

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Musealia. František Bartoš - jazykovědec, pedagog, etnograf. Konference k 100. výročí úmrtí.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords morphology - syntax - connection morpology and syntax in grammars by František Bartoš - linguistics terminology in grammars by Bartoš - comparation - juxtaposition of grammars by Bartoš and contemporary Grammars
Description Comparation of morphological phenomena in grammars by František Bartoš results from his books Skladba jazyka českého and Nová rukověť správné češtiny. There is evident that some explanations by Bartoš are different from grammatical explanation in contemporary grammars or Czech language textbooks

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