Vliv používání e-materiálů a snížení kontaktní výuky na studijní úspěšnost. Evaluace e-materiálů a předmětu podporovaného e-learningovým prostředím is.muni (zpráva z výzkumu, evaluační případová studie)

Title in English Influence of the e-learning on the academic achievement (case study evaluation)

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sco 2007. Sborník z konference SCO, Brno 30.-31.5.2007
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web sborník, © Masarykova univerzita v Brně
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords E-learning; assessment; achievement; effectiveness; influence of e-learning; tertiary education; methodology of education; case study; evaluation research; applied research
Description Study e-materials have been created for one of the subjects in the common syllabus at the Masaryk-University in order to make them accessible to students, while decreasing the amount of direct teaching. This short evaluation report shows how students used the e-materials, what they thought of them and of the subject. Whether the using of the e-materials affected the final success (test) and how is discussed. It is concluded that other variables will probably be more accurate predictors of success than those used in our evaluation research. Ours were simple on-line materials and e-presentations of lectures.
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