Přechod feminin mezi vzory ŽENA a RŮŽE

Title in English The transition of appellative feminine substantives between the ŽENA and RŮŽE

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ŠTÍCHA, F. - ŠIMANDL, J. (eds.) Gramatika a korpus / Grammar and Corpora 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords transition of feminine nouns - nouns SKICA type - nouns SOJA type - nouns of foreign origin - ending I - ending E - variant ending - paradigm KOST - paradigm RŮŽE
Description The transition of feminine nouns of the ŽENA and RŮŽE paradigms was processed based on SYN2000 corpus material. The SKICA type is formed by appelative nouns, of foreign origin in particular and proper names.. The choice of endings in appellative nouns is affected by frequency and semantic factors while in proper nouns by a historical factor and by a dialect norm. The SOJA type is formed by appellative nouns of foreign origin and a group of proper names. A clearer state can be seen in proper noun endings, where there is a tendency to choose the RŮŽE paradigm endings in the cases mentioned above. In the borrowed feminine BERLA, there is a parallel declension according to both paradigms in the corpus, with the ŽENA paradigm chosen more often in singular and the RŮŽE paradigm in plural. In the feminine noun STUDNA, STUDNĚ, only endings of the RŮŽE paradigm were exemplified in dat. sg., loc. sg. and gen. pl., with parallel declensions in the remaining cases according to the two paradigms.

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