Vliv konfliktů mezi rodiči na formování víry ve spravedlnost u patnáctiletých
Title in English | Parental conflict influence on shaping belief in a just world in fifteen-year-olds |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2007 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Fedáková, D., Kentoš, M., Výrost, J. (Eds.). Sociálne procesy a osobnosť 2006, Zborník príspevkov |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Psychology |
Keywords | belief in a just world; marital conflicts; |
Description | The concept of the belief in a just world is based on assumption that there is a need to construe the world we live in as a just place where, in general, everybody gets what they deserve. The basic functions of this concept include, among others, positive relation to mental health, effective coping, support of high achievement oriented behaviour and future-oriented behaviour. This study investigates possible influence of marital conflicts in relation to formation of belief in a just world in adolescents. Czech translation of CPIC (The Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale) has been used to identify marital conflicts. A battery of three different scales translated to Czech has been used to measure the strength of belief in a just world - GBJW (The General Belief in a Just World Scale), PBJW (The Personal Belief in a Just World Scale), and UJWB (General Belief in an Unjust World Scale). The results of our study have shown that marital conflicts in dimension Frequency, Intensity and Resolution have an influence upon a personal belief in a just world and a General Belief in an Unjust World in fifteen year old girls. |
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