Hodnotová kompetence jako jádro pedagogických kompetencí učitelů 1. stupně

Title in English Value competence in pedagogical competences of teachers primary school


Year of publication 2007
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Current school establishes value education as its priority. Teachers are expected to introduce value systems to pupils, develop their sensitivity to good, beauty, truth, ethical attitudes, personal responsibility, to promote moral strength to overcome indifference, enhance tolerance, empathy, honesty etc. To raise the issues of ethics, good and evil, questions of sense in the development of society is to overcome the prevailing one sided emphasis on the cognitive aspects of learning in pupils and to create space for other aspects of personal development. It seems that a basis for all teacher competences should be the value competence life priorities. The author considers possibilities of developing this competence in education of primary school teachers. Her starting point is that it is a complicated process as teachers personality is not formed by simply acquiring knowledge that he/she accepts as given and complete but through discovering and identification with values, adapting them, how he/she is able to overcome inner conflicts and obstacles. The author presents examples from teacher education at the Faculty of Education to illustrate how this context is reflected and anticipated within professional expert basis while respecting existing plurality of opinions on various issues.
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