Die mhd. Diphthonge ie, uo, üe und ihre Widerspiegelung in den Mundarten Süd- und Mittelmährens

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Title in English Middleuppergerman diphthongs ie, uo, üe and their equivalents in historical German dialects in South and Middle Moravia


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sprache und Sprachen im mitteleuropäischen Raum. Vorträge der internationalen Linguistik-Tage Trnava 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords middleuppergerman diphthongs - graphemes - phonetic realization - dialects - medieval office German
Description The equivalents of middleuppergerman diphthongs ie, uo, üe are introduced in the article. They occur in examined historical dialects in South and Middle Moravia. These pieces of infmormation are compared with the state of corresponding graphemes in a material of medieval office German in the same area. Coming out from the resemblance of middleuppergerman diphthongs in recorded dialects, an attempt has been made to interpret the phonetic validity of relevant graphemes in office German in South and Middle Moravia.
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