Metodologická stránka doktorských projektů oboru Pedagogika.Pohled na projekty ze Semináře studentů 1. a 2. ročníku doktorského studijního programu na PdF MU

Title in English Methodology of Doctoral Research Projects in Education

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bulletin CPV 2008
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Bulletin CPV
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords reaerch project; doctoral study; methodology
Description The author analyses research designs of doctoral research projects at the Faculty of Education. She focused mainly on titles of the projects, theoretical background, operacionalization of main variables and their relations, hypotheses and sources, the methodological side of the projects, research sample, methods of data collection and analyses, reliability and validity.

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