Píseň - integrativní východisko hudebního vzdělávání

Title in English The Song - An Integrative Base of Music Education


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Aktuální otázky současné hudebně výchovné teorie a praxe III
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords song;melody tune;rhythmical part;musical report
Description Contemporary pedagogy seeks an optimal way how to influence a child so that it understands a musical report. A song helps to comprehension and an ability to perceive tones and then to follow a melody tune in connection with a rhythmical part. It has not only an esthetical, cognitive and social value but also a pedagogical value. It includes understandable musical means which children acquire and later search for and discover in other songs and different more demanding compositions. In connection with other kinds of arts, a song helps the harmonic development of a personality. Content addresses the reference project - Current Issues in contemporary music education theory and practice III.

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