Pedagogické praxe v systému vzdělávání budoucích učitelů na PdF MU

Title in English Pedagogic practice in system education intending teachers on PdF MU


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Praxe a stáže studentů vysokých škol
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Economy
Keywords praxis; internships; projection activities; competitiveness; Lisbon strategy;universities; employement sector
Description Question theory and praxis in hand teacher is discussed scores of time, however solving isn't till this time corresponding. Dichotomy theory and praxis results from cognitive process, because cognition, knowledge is necessary condition successful act, which start from volition like attainable and desirable possibilities. Cognition, knowledge, explanation and understanding phenomenon is connected with pursuance, reach aims, which displaies like processes interconnected and contingent.

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