Artificial living beings and robots - one root,variety of influences


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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Artificial Life and Robotics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Robot - Artificial life - Karel Čapek - Robotic art - Turing machine - Turing hypotheses - Turing test - Posthumanism - Cyborg
Description The concept of the robot originated, during the 20th century, and then influenced many areas of human activities in the fields of science, engineering, and economy, but also the arts and culture in general, to a considerable extent. This contribution sketches very briefly the original meaning of the notion of a robot, and then some of the transformations of the original meaning, and some of the influences of the concept of robot during the past century. The currently unreflected fact, the roots of the idea of artificial life as well as the idea of robots in Karel Čapeks famous play R. U. R., is also mentioned.
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