Škola pro všechny - vyhledávání žáků v riziku poruch chování ve školním prostředí

Title in English School for all - search of students at risk for behavioural disorder


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis Scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://karolinum.cz/casopis/orbis-scholae/rocnik-3/cislo-1/clanek-5392
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords risk of behavioural disorder; exclusion; school for all; school life attitudes; quality of life concept; self assessment;
Description The Article introduces the pedagogical tool for the use to identify students at risk of behavioural disorder; it is in the first period of verification. The Article shows the research structure and the processes of checking validity and reliability of the scales that has been proved on the school population of 2069 students. Proposals for further research are involved as well. The first part of the article is focused on the consequences of students at risk of behavioural disorder education and the need for inclusive education. The second part of the article introduces the conceptual research model, terminology and some selected researches. In the last part of the article the conception of our research, its methodology and verification of the tool to identify risk students in the school environment is introduced.
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