Přípravné environmentální vzdělávání učitelů v kontextu proměny kurikula základního vzdělávání

Title in English The new interpretation of the content and conception of education emphasizes the axiological dimension, which is associated with the stress on the biophilia aspect in education for the development of ecological literacy. The author points out the possibi


Year of publication 2009
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The new interpretation of the content and conception of education emphasizes the axiological dimension, which is associated with the stress on the biophilia aspect in education for the development of ecological literacy. The author points out the possibilities of developing the competence to implement environmental education (EV) successfully, primarily within teacher training for future primary school teachers. She presents a survey of teachers competencies and activities that enhance their development. Finally, she presents selected results of a survey, in which students expressed their opinions on several topics in teacher training in structured reflection.
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